Thursday, 13 February 2025

Re: Call for nominations for the Technical Board and Membership Board

Hey Alex,

Following up here as well to say that I posted on discourse. The
timezones balance of the new board is going to be different from the old
one so I think it would make sense to rediscuss the meeting time to find
what works best for the newly elected board.


Le 13/02/2025 à 00:24, Alex Murray a écrit :
> Reposting this here as well as on the thread on for
> maximum visibility:
> Apologies for the bad timing, but due to personal circumstances
> changing, if elected, I am unlikely to be able to attend the TB meetings
> in the later part of the year (once DST ends here in Australia and
> starts in the UK). As such, I urge folks to vote for someone other than
> myself to ensure the TB has folks are available as expected (FWIW
> Michael Hudson-Doyle would be an excellent candidate IMHO).
> Thanks,
> Alex
> On Mon, 2024-11-25 at 14:04:33 +1030, Alex Murray wrote:
>> Hi CC folks &c,
>> Please consider my application for re-election to the Technical Board at
>> (also copied below for reference as well).
>> I'm Alex Murray (alexmurray on Launchpad[1]/amurray on IRC) and have
>> been a part of the Ubuntu community as a long-time user and enthusiast
>> since back in 2006. In 2018 I was privileged to join Canonical as the
>> Ubuntu Security Tech Lead and have worked as part of that amazing team
>> ever since. I have a passion for making Ubuntu as secure and usable
>> out-of-the-box whilst also ensuring Canonical has a great relationship
>> with our community. In 2022 I was appointed to the Ubuntu Technical
>> Board and have served the community in that role for the past 2 years.
>> I started and am still hosting the Ubuntu Security Podcast (now every 2
>> weeks) for the last 6 years as a way to evangelise the awesome work of
>> the Ubuntu Security team and the various security aspects of Ubuntu.
>> I am also involved with security aspects of snapd and as one of the snap
>> store reviewers[2] to help guide snap publishers to make sure their
>> snaps can work as smoothly as possible for their users.
>> Finally, I've been a core-dev for 3 and a half years now as well. I have
>> a strong passion for Ubuntu and our community, and was part of the
>> core-dev Office Hours booth[3] at the recent Ubuntu Summit in the
>> Hague. This was a great chance to both get to meet other Ubuntu
>> developers from the community IRL but also to help resolve both various
>> technical issues and provide guidance on ways to better approach and
>> navigate Ubuntu development for unfamiliar community members.
>> I would be honoured to have the privilege of serving the community again
>> as part of the Ubuntu Technical Board for the next 2 years if so chosen.
>> Thanks for your consideration.
>> Thanks,
>> Alex
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> On Sun, 2024-11-24 at 16:56:49 +0100, Merlijn Sebrechts wrote:
>>> *(this time with the correct links)*
>>> We're looking for volunteers that want to join the Ubuntu Membership Board
>>> and the Technical Board.
>>> - The *membership board* analyses membership applications and decides
>>> whether or not an applicant can become a member. We're looking for Ubuntu
>>> members that want to help bring in the next generation of our community.
>>> For more information, see:
>>> - The Ubuntu *technical board* is the highest authority on technical
>>> decisions. We're looking for Ubuntu Core Developers that want to help guide
>>> the project's technical direction. For more information, see:
>>> Both call for nominations close in about a week and a half, on *Wednesday
>>> 2024-12-04, 23:59 UTC*.
>>> On Sun, 24 Nov 2024 at 14:33, Merlijn Sebrechts <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> We're looking for volunteers that want to join the Ubuntu Membership Board
>>>> and the Technical Board.
>>>> - The *membership board* analyses membership applications and decides
>>>> whether or not an applicant can become a member. We're looking for Ubuntu
>>>> members that want to help bring in the next generation of our community.
>>>> For more information, see:
>>>> - The Ubuntu *technical board* is the highest authority on technical
>>>> decisions. We're looking for Ubuntu Core Developers that want to help guide
>>>> the project's technical direction. For more information, see:
>>>> Both call for nominations close in about a week and a half, on *Wednesday
>>>> 2024-12-04*, 23:59 UTC.
>> --
>> ubuntu-devel mailing list
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Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Re: Noble 24.04.2 release delayed by a week

Hi Alex,

On Thu, Feb 13, 2025 at 5:48 AM Alex Murray <> wrote:
> Can the launchpad milestone
> please be updated
> with this new date as well?

That's done. Thank you.

- u

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Re: Noble 24.04.2 release delayed by a week

Hi Utkarsh,

On Thu, 2025-02-13 at 03:34:01 +0530, Utkarsh Gupta wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Due to an unfortunate incident, it appears that some 24.04.2 images
> built this week did not include the HWE kernel. To be consistent
> across all images, we've decided to respin the images and delay the
> Noble 24.04.2 by a week.
> The new release date for 24.04.2 will be 20th February 2025.

Can the launchpad milestone please be updated
with this new date as well?

> This will also give everyone involved more time to test the latest
> kernels and ISOs.
> Finally, we will also make sure to do a proper retrospective to
> prevent this from happening in the future. Thank you.
> On behalf of the Release team,
> Utkarsh Gupta


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Re: Call for nominations for the Technical Board and Membership Board

Reposting this here as well as on the thread on for
maximum visibility:

Apologies for the bad timing, but due to personal circumstances
changing, if elected, I am unlikely to be able to attend the TB meetings
in the later part of the year (once DST ends here in Australia and
starts in the UK). As such, I urge folks to vote for someone other than
myself to ensure the TB has folks are available as expected (FWIW
Michael Hudson-Doyle would be an excellent candidate IMHO).


On Mon, 2024-11-25 at 14:04:33 +1030, Alex Murray wrote:

> Hi CC folks &c,
> Please consider my application for re-election to the Technical Board at
> (also copied below for reference as well).
> I'm Alex Murray (alexmurray on Launchpad[1]/amurray on IRC) and have
> been a part of the Ubuntu community as a long-time user and enthusiast
> since back in 2006. In 2018 I was privileged to join Canonical as the
> Ubuntu Security Tech Lead and have worked as part of that amazing team
> ever since. I have a passion for making Ubuntu as secure and usable
> out-of-the-box whilst also ensuring Canonical has a great relationship
> with our community. In 2022 I was appointed to the Ubuntu Technical
> Board and have served the community in that role for the past 2 years.
> I started and am still hosting the Ubuntu Security Podcast (now every 2
> weeks) for the last 6 years as a way to evangelise the awesome work of
> the Ubuntu Security team and the various security aspects of Ubuntu.
> I am also involved with security aspects of snapd and as one of the snap
> store reviewers[2] to help guide snap publishers to make sure their
> snaps can work as smoothly as possible for their users.
> Finally, I've been a core-dev for 3 and a half years now as well. I have
> a strong passion for Ubuntu and our community, and was part of the
> core-dev Office Hours booth[3] at the recent Ubuntu Summit in the
> Hague. This was a great chance to both get to meet other Ubuntu
> developers from the community IRL but also to help resolve both various
> technical issues and provide guidance on ways to better approach and
> navigate Ubuntu development for unfamiliar community members.
> I would be honoured to have the privilege of serving the community again
> as part of the Ubuntu Technical Board for the next 2 years if so chosen.
> Thanks for your consideration.
> Thanks,
> Alex
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> On Sun, 2024-11-24 at 16:56:49 +0100, Merlijn Sebrechts wrote:
>> *(this time with the correct links)*
>> We're looking for volunteers that want to join the Ubuntu Membership Board
>> and the Technical Board.
>> - The *membership board* analyses membership applications and decides
>> whether or not an applicant can become a member. We're looking for Ubuntu
>> members that want to help bring in the next generation of our community.
>> For more information, see:
>> - The Ubuntu *technical board* is the highest authority on technical
>> decisions. We're looking for Ubuntu Core Developers that want to help guide
>> the project's technical direction. For more information, see:
>> Both call for nominations close in about a week and a half, on *Wednesday
>> 2024-12-04, 23:59 UTC*.
>> On Sun, 24 Nov 2024 at 14:33, Merlijn Sebrechts <>
>> wrote:
>>> We're looking for volunteers that want to join the Ubuntu Membership Board
>>> and the Technical Board.
>>> - The *membership board* analyses membership applications and decides
>>> whether or not an applicant can become a member. We're looking for Ubuntu
>>> members that want to help bring in the next generation of our community.
>>> For more information, see:
>>> - The Ubuntu *technical board* is the highest authority on technical
>>> decisions. We're looking for Ubuntu Core Developers that want to help guide
>>> the project's technical direction. For more information, see:
>>> Both call for nominations close in about a week and a half, on *Wednesday
>>> 2024-12-04*, 23:59 UTC.
> --
> ubuntu-devel mailing list
> Modify settings or unsubscribe at:

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Noble 24.04.2 release delayed by a week

Hello everyone,

Due to an unfortunate incident, it appears that some 24.04.2 images
built this week did not include the HWE kernel. To be consistent
across all images, we've decided to respin the images and delay the
Noble 24.04.2 by a week.

The new release date for 24.04.2 will be 20th February 2025.

This will also give everyone involved more time to test the latest
kernels and ISOs.

Finally, we will also make sure to do a proper retrospective to
prevent this from happening in the future. Thank you.

On behalf of the Release team,
Utkarsh Gupta

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Re: Unacceptable HWE kernel behavior change in livecd-rootfs

For what it's worth, this thread can now close as the situation has
been resolved.


On Wed, Feb 12, 2025 at 10:13 AM Erich Eickmeyer
<> wrote:
> >
> > Apparently flavors no longer get the HWE kernel because somebody
> > decided it was The Right Thing To Do (tm) and to make the HWE
> > kernel
> > opt-in for all flavors. We are supposed to have Feature Parity with
> > Ubuntu Desktop, which somehow gets the HWE kernel in 24.04.2.
> >
> > Somebody did not communicate this change to the flavors and now
> > there's
> > a fix for livecd-rootfs awaiting SRU to fix this, but apparently
> > it's
> > too late because nobody wants to delay *a point release* by a few
> > days.
> >
> > It's just a point release, but it's a big deal as Edubuntu, in
> > particular, is supposed to have *feature parity* with Ubuntu
> > Desktop,
> > especially in this regard. Many of our users don't have fast
> > internet
> > connections, have metered internet connections, and a huge kernel
> > download is a big deal for them.
> >
> > This needs to be fixed ASAP. I am furious about this. Delay the .2
> > release.
> >
> > --
> > Erich Eickmeyer
> > Ubuntu MOTU
> > Project Leader - Ubuntu Studio
> > Technical Lead - Edubuntu
> >
> > --
> > community-council mailing list
> >
> >

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Re: Unacceptable HWE kernel behavior change in livecd-rootfs

I do apologize for adding the CC, it was for awareness only, no

CC has been removed from this reply.

On Wed, 2025-02-12 at 10:26 -0600, Aaron Rainbolt wrote:
> Hi all,
> I do not understand why the Community Council was copied on this.
> Based on context from the Ubuntu Flavors Matrix room, this was the
> result of a mistake in operations, not an intentional change. Even if
> it had been an intentional change though it would not have been a
> code-of-conduct violation, and given that it was a mistake it's
> *definitely* not a code-of-conduct violation. Escalating things to
> the
> CC this quickly is not helpful, and we don't have a desire to surveil
> conversations that we have no reason to be involved in as of yet, so
> copying us on things like this makes very little sense (especially
> when there's a public list that is copied on this that we can look
> through if a CoC violation does occur and we need context).
> To those who reply here, please remove
> from the reply list.
> --
> Aaron Rainbolt
> Ubuntu Community Council Member
> on Matrix, arraybolt3 on
> (P.S.: Apologies for not having this GPG-signed, I don't have my
> email
> client set up right currently and am using GMail's web interface.)
> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025 at 10:13 AM Erich Eickmeyer
> <> wrote:
> >
> > Apparently flavors no longer get the HWE kernel because somebody
> > decided it was The Right Thing To Do (tm) and to make the HWE
> > kernel
> > opt-in for all flavors. We are supposed to have Feature Parity with
> > Ubuntu Desktop, which somehow gets the HWE kernel in 24.04.2.
> >
> > Somebody did not communicate this change to the flavors and now
> > there's
> > a fix for livecd-rootfs awaiting SRU to fix this, but apparently
> > it's
> > too late because nobody wants to delay *a point release* by a few
> > days.
> >
> > It's just a point release, but it's a big deal as Edubuntu, in
> > particular, is supposed to have *feature parity* with Ubuntu
> > Desktop,
> > especially in this regard. Many of our users don't have fast
> > internet
> > connections, have metered internet connections, and a huge kernel
> > download is a big deal for them.
> >
> > This needs to be fixed ASAP. I am furious about this. Delay the .2
> > release.
> >
> > --
> > Erich Eickmeyer
> > Ubuntu MOTU
> > Project Leader - Ubuntu Studio
> > Technical Lead - Edubuntu
> >
> > --
> > community-council mailing list
> >
> >

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