Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Re: Policy: filing bugs against Ubuntu packages instead of upstream projects

On 27 November 2013 13:06, Ursula Junque <> wrote:

On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 7:33 AM, Michał Sawicz <> wrote:
On 26.11.2013 02:44, Ursula Junque wrote:
If upstreams don't oppose to that, bugs should only be filed against
Ubuntu packages, discouraging the direct upstream reporting. Once we
have an agreement, we need to document this to prevent all the confusion
to happen again, and then discuss what to do with the previously
reported bugs. Oliver (ogra) said there was an email some time ago to
direct people to file bugs only against Ubuntu packages but no one seems
to find it, feel free to point that out if you think that's relevant.

I just tried to file a bug against Ubuntu (unity8)¹, unfortunately I can't set the status to 'Triaged', or decide the importance. So, well... I can't triage Ubuntu (unity8) bugs.

According to ogra this can be solved by adding your team to the bugcontrol team. There's a policy in place that allows teams to be added to the bugsquad one, if they're upstreams.

Luke Faraone;; Debian & Ubuntu Developer; Sugar Labs; MIT SIPB  lfaraone on irc.[freenode,oftc].net --   PGP fprint: 5189 2A7D 16D0 49BB 046B  DC77 9732 5DD8 F9FD D506