Saturday, 24 October 2015

Mycroft Skills on Ubuntu Phone

Hello everyone,

I'm starting to work on some of Mycroft skills that require the ability to perform Dial Call and Send SMS.

We can imagine the following scenario:

Dial Call usecase:
1. Turn on my phone (or Ubuntu device) and login
2. Say: "Mycroft, call my wife"
3. Mycroft do a Dial Call to my wife's phone number

Send a SMS usecase:
1. Turn on my phone (or Ubuntu device) and login
2. Say: "Mycroft, tell Jonathan I'll arrive at 15 o'clock"
3. Mycroft Send a SMS to Jonathan's phone number

Unfortunately, I didn't find any documentation and code examples doing these.

Do you know if it would be possible to do that from my application?

Could you please point me any doc or sample code?


Jonathan D'Orleans
Software Engineer