Thanks for working on this Michael.
On Jun 29, 2017, at 10:43 AM, Michael Hudson-Doyle wrote:
>The 100 or so failures are now summarised in
>please do check if any packages you care about are on the list and fix any
>that you can see how to. Uploading fixes direct to the archive is preferred,
>but if you lack the rights to do that, attaching a bug to a debdiff and
>subscribe me (mwhudson on lp) and I'll sponsor it v. quickly!
What's the process for claiming a package? I want to keep lazr.config in the
archive, and I help maintain it both in Debian and upstream. I'm motivated to
keep it working as it will soon be a dep of mailman3-core which should be
entering unstable soon-ish.
I'll probably look at nose and pyflakes as part of my normal DD workflow.
I'm not interested in system-image any more, but if someone else adopts it,
I'm happy to answer questions.
I've added some comments to the spreadsheet.
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