Wednesday 16 August 2017

Ubuntu Foundations Team - Weekly Newsletter, 2017-08-10

*Thursday, August 10, 2017*

This newsletter is to provide a status update from the Ubuntu Foundations
Team. There will also be highlights provided for any interesting subjects
the team may be working on.

If you would like to reach the Foundations team, you can find us at the
#ubuntu-devel channel on freenode.


* Updated cloud images have been released with fix for CVE-2017-7533

* has been released, to lint
jenkins-job-builder output

The State of the Archive

* After no small amount of effort, the perl 5.26 and gcc-7 transitions
migrated to artful on the 10th, unblocking many of the packages that had
been stuck in -proposed.

* As GCC 7 is now the default compiler in artful, the build failures
reported at
tml now apply to 17.10. Please help us resolve these failing packages for
the release.

* Next in line we have the Qt 5.9 transition. Look for more news about
this next week!

Upcoming Ubuntu Dates

* 17.10 Feature Freeze - August 24, 2017

Weekly Meeting

* IRC Log: