Friday 29 January 2021

+1 maintenance report


During this week I've been working on +1 maintenance and you can find a summary of my work and some considerations below:

# Rails 6 transition

The rails migration is blocked mainly because of yarnpkg, a npm alternative tool used by rails. yarnpkg is uninstallable at the moment because it depends on node-babel-runtime >= 7 which is also blocked in proposed. The node-babel7 source package FTBFS now, and I was not able to sort this out, some help is appreciated.

No ruby related issue is blocking the Rails 6 transition, all the packages listed as blockers are ruby packages providing javascript assets.

There are some other package blocked by rails where the tests would be fixed by patching the test to call "rails new" passing "--skip-javascript --skip-webpack-install", this is not the best solution but it is a valid workaround if the package does not relate with javascript assets.

# Rebuild ruby libraries to apply changes included in gem2deb/1.4

We made some changes to gem2deb on how the gemspec is generated when the library provides native extensions. If you find a ruby library providing a native extension and it was not built with gem2deb/1.4 then it MUST be rebuilt. Some packages were missing this change, so I made a no-changes upload:

- ruby-sqlite3
- ruby-msgpack
- ruby-bindex

After rebuilding them, the other packages which depend on them were able to also be rebuilt (they were FTBFS previously):

- ruby-invisible-captcha
- ruby-fakeredis
- ruby-voight-kampff
- ruby-rollout
- ruby-bootsnap
- thin

# ruby-faraday{,-middleware} transition

There is a new major release for both packages which requires some changes to let them migrate. The action item needing attention is the removal of some packages which do not support those new versions yet. Debian already did that. The following packages need removal of their source and binary packages:

- ruby-diaspora-federation
- ruby-puppet-forge
- r10k
- librarian-puppet
- vagrant-librarian-puppet

More details can be found in LP #1913596 and LP #1913598. I subscribed ubuntu-archive to this bug but I do not know whether they track it. It will unblock many other ruby libraries.

I also uploaded ruby-faraday to Debian fixing an Ubuntu autopkgtest failure due to a proxy issue.

# Misc

- Re-triggered ubuntu-fan test which I fixed last week to unblock and iproute2
- Re-triggered pcs test in amd64 to unblock pacemaker
- Uploaded golang-github-caarlos0-env/6.4.0-1 to Debian fixing a couple of tests. The patch was submitted upstream and it was already merged. Also re-triggered tests in all architectures.
- Uploaded apt-clone to Ubuntu fixing an autopkgtest failure due to a proxy issue. The patch was submitted upstream, waiting for review.
- Uploaded nanoc to Ubuntu fixing an autopkgtest failure due to a proxy issue. In Debian, this package is in the middle of an upstream version bump, when the git repo is better organized I'll commit this change myself.
- Re-triggered ruby-dalli test in armhf to unblock itself.
- Re-triggered syncthing tests to unblock some packages:
  + golang-golang-x-net
  + golang-golang-x-text
  + golang-github-miscreant-miscreant.go
  + golang-github-syncthing-notify
  + golang-github-thejerf-suture
  + golang-github-gobwas-glob

Something that is worth mentioning is that I've seen a considerable number of test failures due to proxy issues in our autopkgtest infrastructure. Usually, you just need to tweak the no_proxy variable to make them pass.

Lucas Kanashiro