Sunday 7 February 2021

+1 maintenance report

+1 maintenance report for Feb 4-5.

node-babel showed up on the list of packages removed from Debian but still
has reverse-dependencies in Ubuntu, so I drilled down into the node-babel7

- node-babel7 build-depends on node-regenerator-transform, but the new
version in -proposed depends on node-babel-runtime (>= 7), so this is a
circular build-dependency. Dropped the node-regenerator-transform binary
from -proposed to try to unblock.
- node-babel7 also build-depends on node-css-select, which depends on
node-css-what, the new version of which breaks the currently-built version
of node-css-select. Temporarily backed node-css-what 4.0.0-3 out of
-proposed for the bootstrap build.

These two removals were sufficient to let node-babel7 build in -proposed.
Fairly straightforward as a bootstrap build, but it did still use
ubuntu-archive permissions to get it done. This could alternatively be done
as a two-stage bootstrap in a ppa, first building node-babel7 against the
release pocket as a bootstrap build, then rebuilding everything with
-proposed enabled and finally binary copying to the archive.

Getting node-babel7 bootstrapped allowed then buliding
node-regenerator-transform. node-jest also required node-resolve-from to be
downgraded so that node-cosmiconfig could be installable.

This then exposed another build-dependency loop:

node-css-select -> node-htmlparser2 -> node-domutils -> node-dom-serializer
-> node-cheerio -> (node-dom-serializer, node-domutils, node-css-select,

Downgrading node-dom-serializer to 1.2.0-3 is sufficient to break the
bootstrap loop, so that has now also been done, allowing builds of:

- node-dom-serializer 1.2.0-3
- node-domutils
- node-htmlparser2

But then node-css-select fails to build and I haven't had a chance to look

Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer