Sunday, 16 May 2021

Re: +1 maintenance report

On Sat, 8 May 2021 at 21:30, Dan Bungert <> wrote:
+1 Maintenance Report
Dan Bungert, Week of May-03-2021

### xfig ###

Local tests fine, there is a valgrind complaint which I chased for a
while before concluding that the ghostscript library that xfig is using
has some valgrind magic in there.  My hunch is that the valgrind stuff
is a false positive and just not interacting well with the valgrind
settings on ghostscript / this xfig test.  It bugs me that this seems to
test fine for Debian but not for Ubuntu but I currently lack a better

I was able to verify at least that this doesn't seem to be something
that could be remediated by big_packages:
autopkgtest -- qemu --ram-size=600 --cpus=1
passed for me.

So on digging into this it turns out the testsuite output is copied into the autopkgtest artifacts folder, so if you click the "artifacts" link on a failing run in you do get a bit more detail as to what is going on, and the failure turns out to be because there is a message on stderr ("Error: XtCreatePopupShell requires non-NULL parent") that causes the test to fail. This test is new in the new version of xfig and so possibly would have failed in all versions of Ubuntu, so in some sense waving it through would be justified but I also thing it's easy to patch the test to not care about stderr, so I'm going to try and do that (although. Did you know autoconf included a test harness? It does -- -- and I'm not sure I'm any happier for knowing this).
