Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Re: Submitting a request


In Ubuntu, the wijesekera keyboard is provided by the ibus-m17n package,
which I find included by default in Ubuntu 21.04 as well as in Ubuntu 20.04.
If I go into Settings->Region & Language, I am able to find this keyboard
under 'Other' -> 'Sinhala'.

Is the problem that selecting wijesekera gives the wrong keymap, or is the
problem that it has to be manually selected instead of being the default
when choosing Sinhala as a language? Because I cannot find where it was the
default input method for Sinhala prior to Ubuntu 21.04.

On Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 11:53:56PM +0530, Sumedha Thilakarathne wrote:
> W.K Sumedha Thilakarathne
> 13 September 2021
> Dear Sir,
> *Submitting a request*
> Wijesekara keyboard layout is currently used as the official keyboard
> layout in Sri Lanka. But we are very embarrassed that Ubuntu does not use
> that keyboard layout. It is already being used successfully in Apple Mac OS
> and Windows 10/08/07 operating systems. In today's competitive world, these
> minor flaws can cause users to opt out of the Ubuntu operating system. Even
> before this keyboard layout came to Windows OS computers, Ubuntu used a
> very accurate Sinhala keyboard layout. I have used Ubuntu operating system
> several times. In each of those cases Successfully used that keyboard layout.
> However, the sinhala keyboard layout used in the new Ubuntu 21.04 version,
> shows that it is not possible to write anything in Sinhala language. In a
> small country like Sri Lanka, this small flaw could have a major impact as
> the operating system expands. For an amateur, that experience can range
> from not using the Ubuntu operating system forever.
> I kindly ask you to take steps to install Wijesekera keyboard layout again
> in Ubuntu. I really appreciate your response. That keyboard layout is
> provided as an attachment to this.
> Thank you !
> Trustworthy
> W.K. Sumedha Thilakarathne

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