Wednesday, 17 November 2021

Heads up: OpenSSL3 transition

Hi all,

You might have noticed that the OpenSSL 3 transition was supposed to get
started a couple of weeks ago. As usual with these things, it slipped
away as there were some issues with packages in main that needed to be
resolved first. Now that it's mostly sorted out, I'm planning on (asking
nicely someone to) upload the new version of OpenSSL later this week or
early next week, unless someone raises an objection?

Since this new version comes with a SONAME bump, if your package links
against libssl1.1, it shouldn't be impacted by the upload until it gets
rebuilt, as the old binary will stick around as long as there are
reverse-dependencies in the archive.

You can find some previous discussion of this transition in the
following ML thread:

A transition tracker has kindly been set up by ginggs:

Thank you for your patience.

Simon Chopin
Foundations Team Ubuntu MOTU

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