Thursday, 25 November 2021

Re: Add ubuntu-advantage-tools to Recommends on ubuntu-minimal

Disclaimer : I am not an Ubuntu developper.

On Thu, Nov 25, 2021 at 02:07:38PM +0000, Dimitri John Ledkov wrote:
> This is intentional, to ensure that we make users aware that there are
> vulnerabilities out there that may be affecting them. One can access
> ESM for free under certain terms. Once ESM ends, like it did for
> Precise, we have made all ESM updates for Precise available publically
> and archived on Thus eventually everyone does
> have access to them.
> It is our commitment to be transparent and not hide problems, and
> fight for the users to ensure they have ways to remain secure (upgrade
> to a supported release or enable ESM). Whilst some users may find this
> information redundant, many others may find it eye opening.
> It really is very important, especially since a lot of systems get
> broken simply due to lack of installing updates or timely upgrades.
> Recently newer laws are getting passed that require one to disclose if
> updates are available, for how long, and notify when they cease to be
> provided. Although Ubuntu is nominally so far excluded from these, it
> is prudent to comply with the spirit of those laws protecting and
> informing users.
> I see this as no different to how we default to applying security
> updates, and informing users about the number of non-security updates.

I don't think anyone is advocating to remove ubuntu-advantage-tools from
default installations. As I understand it, the request here is that if
you wish to opt-out from UA and/or its MOTD reminders, Ubuntu allows you
to do so (by removing the package) without breaking your installation.