Friday, 19 November 2021

Re: Heads up: OpenSSL3 transition

On Wednesday, November 17 2021, Simon Chopin wrote:

> Hi all,

Hey Simon,

Thanks for your work on this, BTW. Much appreciated :-).

> You might have noticed that the OpenSSL 3 transition was supposed to get
> started a couple of weeks ago. As usual with these things, it slipped
> away as there were some issues with packages in main that needed to be
> resolved first. Now that it's mostly sorted out, I'm planning on (asking
> nicely someone to) upload the new version of OpenSSL later this week or
> early next week, unless someone raises an objection?

I'd like to raise something. I apologize for sending this message in
such short notice.

I am working on net-snmp, squid and a few other packages during this
transition, and I am feeling concerned with how uncomfortable some of
our upstreams seem to be regarding their patches to support OpenSSL 3.
I can mention a few cases here.

net-snmp has a patch to support OpenSSL 3 in theory, but they are still
discussing a few details here: . It seems like they
have sorted out most of the issues so far, which is good, but I'm still
not 100% confident in backporting their patch yet.

squid has an open pull request with a bunch of changes needed to support
OpenSSL 3. The patches backport and build OK on Jammy, but upstream is
still looking for more reviewers/testers before they merge the PR. I
decided to run some tests here and give them some feedback, and one of
the things I wanted to do was to run autopkgtest with their patches
applied. That led me to the discovery that apache2's mod-ssl doesn't
work with OpenSSL 3 either, so I filed a bug for it.

apache2 also has an open PR to implement OpenSSL 3 support for the 2.4.x
series. They've apparently found a regression on OpenSSL while testing
things in Fedora (, and
I found the following thread which is an interesting read:

While it should be possible to backport the upstream patches and make
things build, I'm not entirely sure if this is the right way forward
here. I don't want to suggest that we postpone anything, but I thought
it would be good to raise these issues here.


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