Tuesday 22 November 2022

Re: Setting NotAutomatic for hirsute+1-proposed

I'm saying the error message here is not entirely relevant as I've said multiple times before, because it is the result of a broken autopkgtest pinning setup.

There might be other reasons the test dependencies are not installable that we do not see because our fallback is broken and we don't have a useful error message before that when we had working pinning.

If that dbus update is the only issue it can be worked around by retrying with an addition dbus trigger so that libdbus-1-dev from proposed is used.

Sebastien Bacher <seb128@ubuntu.com> schrieb am Di., 22. Nov. 2022, 20:49:
Le 22/11/2022 à 20:24, Julian Andres Klode a écrit :
> We have no idea why the test dependencies are failing to install in a
> normal setup,

Which case are you talking about? The dbus issue is clear, the base
image used by the autopkgtest infra is build from kinetic with
kinety-security versions of packages but the apt source are lunar ones
without proposed. The packages are failing to install because
kinetic-security has updates which are in lunar-proposed but didn't
migrate to lunar.


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