Tuesday, 11 April 2023

Re: +1 Maintenance Report

> Overall, it seems that you looked at a large number of packages in
> -proposed, but that for most of them you stopped at analysis (which is
> useful) without preparing and submitting fixes for the issues identified.
> In the future, please focus more on the latter, as that's what's actually
> required to resolve the issues - few will read your email on ubuntu-devel in
> depth, fewer will remember what your analysis was (or be able to find it
> later).  As a result, it's more efficient overall to work deeply on a small
> number of packages to drive them to completion, than to shallowly touch a
> large number of packages.

You are right. I thought scanning through the pile first and working from that should work better than working one by one, and it seems I did not get the balance correct.

I will note that in my next +1 maintenance week.
