Tuesday 1 August 2023

Mantic QEMU, segfault in nested VMs and autopkgtest.u.c


Just a heads up that the QEMU package on Mantic is currently affected by
https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu/+bug/2016252. This about
using QEMU in a nested VM environment, and as such is impacting dep8
tests that make use of such feature (systemd tests come to mind, but
there are other packages affected like QEMU itself).

If you see a failure in a dep8 test and it's a QEMU segfault, be aware.
This is actually a glibc regression that hasn't yet been fixed upstream.
I'm following the discussion there and plan to backport the patch ASAP
(unfortunately it's not part of glibc 2.38 either).


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