Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Re: Time to move to Matrix (from IRC)?

On 2025-01-21 16:19, Robie Basak wrote:
> Because of the fragmentation concern, I think it's important that we
> make a single, unified decision for all Ubuntu developers. Let's have a
> discussion period first, then ask the Technical Board to weigh the
> discussion and make that decision.

Fragmented communication has already been a very tangible issue
for the release team, with some communication happening on IRC
and some communication happening on Matrix, with developers relaying

> # What moving *means*
> "Official" communication, such as making requests of privileged Ubuntu
> developer teams, could be expected to be actioned if requested on the
> agreed platform only. Similarly, you can consider your social
> responsibility to other developers in relation to your work in Ubuntu
> development to be fulfilled if you are present on that platform[4]. And
> Canonical will follow in its requirement for its employed Ubuntu
> developers to be present on that agreed platform during their working
> hours.
> I'm specifically referring to #ubuntu-devel and #ubuntu-release to lead
> the pack. I suppose other miscellaneous Ubuntu development related
> channels could move at their own pace. Or are there any other specific
> channels that should move at the same time?

As noted by Simon already, the flavors already effectively moved to
Matrix (#ubuntu-flavors -> #flavors:ubuntu.com).

There is an #ubuntu-quality IRC channel that I would like to see merged
into #devel:ubuntu.com.

> I think there are (at least) three groups whose needs we should think
> about:
> 1) Ubuntu developers who work for Canonical. We use Mattermost
> internally. We're used to the rich communications that it provides, such
> as threading, sync between multiple devices, Markdown formatting,
> integrated history and the ability to bring others into a conversation
> with history available to them. It's a tough sell to ask new Canonical
> employees to downgrade to IRC if they want to talk about Ubuntu
> development[5]. It's too easy to try and contact others about Ubuntu
> developers internally on Mattermost since many active Ubuntu developers
> are at Canonical. As a result, conversations that should be happening in
> public happen on private Mattermost all too often. People seem to have
> largely given up on pushing conversations to IRC. I think a richer
> alternative will help with this, and not moving away from IRC is
> thereful harmful.
> 2) New contributors. We always encourage more! What's going to be
> easiest for them to use: IRC or Matrix? What's the sort of interface and
> usability they expect, and to what extent are they provided? Again, I
> think we've reached the point that we're harming the project's future by
> losing potential participants by staying where we are.
> 3) People who have been using IRC for many years. Of course you're used
> to what you do, and change is disruptive. There is certain to be
> functionality that isn't at parity on Matrix. But I think we must
> consider that the vast majority of potential participants aren't going
> to notice. The proportion of the future project who care about this is
> growing increasingly small, and therefore I again think that on balance
> the harm in not moving outweighs this consideration.
> My opinion is therefore that for the first two groups, times have
> changed to the point now that we're actually harming the project by not
> moving, while the third group continues to diminish. Therefore we should
> move.

I agree with the analysis and strongly support your proposal.

> # Collapsing #ubuntu-devel and #ubuntu-release into one

Given that #devel:ubuntu.com and #release:ubuntu.com already exist,
I would keep this initiative separate.



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