Hello everyone!
With the transition of Ubuntu development discussion to Matrix, we on the SRU team would like to try an experiment - having a room separate from #devel:ubuntu.com and #release:ubuntu.com.
So now, #sru:ubuntu.com exists. If you need to communicate with the SRU team, this is where you'll find us. In order to avoid discussions spanning multiple rooms, we'd appreciate it if *all* SRU discussion was done here.
Queuebot is not currently in the room; we will (again ☺) experiment with what bots or other integrations should be in there. The room is also not bridged to IRC, sorry.
Hopefully this split will make it easier for Ubuntu contributors to find and interact with the SRU team, and for the SRU team to have a higher-signal communication stream to monitor.
Chris Halse Rogers, on behalf of the SRU team.