> Hi Bryce and Skia,
> On 3/17/25 03:22 PM, Bryce Harrington wrote:
> > A few people have mentioned having problems using rmadison recently, and
> > enquired about a little reimplementation I made a bit ago. I figure in
> > case others are interested I'd throw out a PSA about it:
> >
> > https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+git/ubuntu-helpers/tree/bryce/pkg-versions
> >
> > It is a lot faster (for me) than rmadison, because it pulls data from
> > qa.debian.org rather than people.canonical.com; the former server is in
> > the PNW near me. European folks have not seen this performance benefit,
> > so YMMV.
> >
> > The script is written in Bash, rather than Perl as rmadison is. It
> > requires curl and distro-info as dependencies, but those should already
> > be on everyone's system, so you should be able to plop the script
> > somewhere in your $PATH, and go.
> No qualms, I appreciate the work, but as a long-term goal, we might want to discuss porting to a compiled language.
> I don't want the pitchforks and torches, so I won't go as far as to boldly suggest Rust, so I'll say C++.
Getting this into an object-oriented language also occurred to me,
though as a lot of Ubuntu's tooling has been in Python that seems the
more logical choice. I've worked on enough C/C++ projects to be
comfortable with that, but with launchpadlib being in python that's
where the synergy opportunities are. C.f. Robie's suggestions elsewhere
in this thread for instance.
> > It's pretty bare bones beyond that; I've not implemented the many other
> > options and functionalities that rmadison provides. Patches are welcome
> > though, and I'll take feature requests. There's been one request to add
> > support for looking up binary packages.
> >
> > Anyway, hope pkg-versions is helpful and I'd love to hear if it is.
> I can think of a few bugs that could be addressed by this long-term: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?repeatmerged=no&src=ubuntu-dev-tools
Not spotting the ones you may have in mind; which were you thinking of?
> I still need to take some time to investigate this deeply, but you've piqued my interest, and I'd love to hear a followup soon.
Sure! Thanks for the feedback.
> On 3/18/25 10:59 AM, Florent 'Skia' Jacquet wrote:
> > Le 17/03/2025 à 21:22, Bryce Harrington a écrit :
> >> Anyway, hope pkg-versions is helpful and I'd love to hear if it is.
> >
> > Yes it is, thank you very much! Here, have some fast emojis: ⚡ππ️
> ⚡ππ️ πππ
> > I'd say it's worth being more broadly pushed to `ubuntu-dev-tools` or else, but I'll let you be the judge of that.
> Strong +1.
Thanks for the invitation, I do need to think about better housing for
this script. I should take into account ppa-dev-tools and some other
tools; I'm not sure if they'd overclutter ubuntu-dev-tools though.
> Thanks,
> --
> Simon Quigley
> simon@tsimonq2.net
> @tsimonq2:ubuntu.com on Matrix
> tsimonq2 on LiberaChat and OFTC
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