Thursday, 19 June 2014

Re: Qt 5.3 landing update June 16

2014-06-18 16:46 GMT+03:00 Timo Jyrinki <>:
> earliest time of landing would be later today in the more western
> timezones, or tomorrow morning if we get a green light from the people
> who are waking up now and testing/fixing things.

Qt 5.3.0 is now in utopic-proposed. Eight Qt modules auto-synced from
Debian were already waiting there for the base modules, and they
should start building shortly. Three more modules were made syncable
in the process of packaging 5.3.

Everything that was on the blocker list of the landing was resolved or
whitelisted today. For example the emulator worked fine after today's
additional fixes.

> - Gallery app header broken (artmello, t1mp/SDK team):
> -
> header works in all other apps

Gallery app new click package is not yet in the store. The Apps team
is still working on improving it and its autopilot tests.

> (- Upload the new music app (popey) - can be done after publishing the
> Qt 5.3 landing silo)

Music app on the other hand is in the store already and better than
ever, thanks to the awesome work by Victor, Nicholas, Andrew.


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