Sounds good. I've started up the updates for Ubuntu MATE and plan to have them finished before Alpha 1.
On 18 May 2017 21:43, "Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre" <cyphermox@ubuntu.com> wrote:
Last cycle, we've had a fair number of pretty late slideshow updates,
and I had to do some amounts of manual translation mangling to fix
issues. I'd like to avoid that this cycle, and for future cycles, too.
Please see this as a reminder that it's a good idea to update the
desktop installer slideshows early (and now is a great time to do
that!), and often. I will try to track down a new "mascot" image for
17.10 right away.
I would like to suggest we also collectively attempt to stick to a
"stricter" schedule for slideshow updates. As such, I would recommend
having the installer slideshow for your flavour of Ubuntu ready by
September 21st, which happens to be Documentation String Freeze for 17.10.
DocStringFreeze seems a reasonable point in time: it's one week after UI
Freeze, by which time the UI should already be pretty stable (and moreso
given what is typically included in screenshots in an installer
slideshow). If your flavour opts to release Alpha or Beta images, then
you should consider having the slideshow in more or less its final shape
even earlier, of course :)
Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <cyphermox@ubuntu.com>
Freenode: cyphermox, Jabber: mathieu.tl@gmail.com
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