Tuesday 4 August 2020

+1 maintenance report

Hi all,

I noticed golang-gopkg-square-go-jose.v2 times out on armhf, filed https://github.com/square/go-jose/issues/326.

Then I looked at the icu transition.

0ad fails to build due to gcc-10, I found the fix for this upstream and backported it.

I retried some ucto builds which appeared to have run before a build dependency had been built (maybe fallout from the build farm outage). And retried "frog" builds when these completed.

doxygen autopkgtests are failing because the json-c in proposed has moved its Doxyfile.

multipath-tools has britney complaining about impossible depends -- turns out its udebs are still in main but its dependencies are now in universe. Apparently a bunch of udebs turned up on component mismatches and got demoted, but shouldn't have. They got repromoted again and if they appear on mismatches again someone should debug it :) (or mass demote all udebs to universe or stop building or at least publishing udebs or or ...)

I noticed that udisks2 was failing autopkgtests, found a bug about this, found the bug had a comment to a potential fix upstream so I applied the patch, tested locally and uploaded it.

I tricked xnox into uploading s390-tools-signed, which should unstick s390-tools.

frr is failing autopkgtests, and has the most unhelpful autopkgtests I've seen in a while (I have no idea what the tests are expressing). The package has no rdeps and is the last thing keeping json-c in proposed so maybe removal is appropriate for now. I filed a bug for this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/frr/+bug/1890259

libyang is failing to build on riscv64 because of symbols file differences in libyang-cpp1. I don't understand how to fix this, other than by removing the symbols file entirely.

dee's tests are timing out on riscv64 :(

libreoffice's tests seem to be very flaky on armhf.

cmake-extras autopkgtest was failing, which I fixed and also submitted upstream https://github.com/ubports/cmake-extras/pull/14

doxygen's tests fail with the json-c in proposed: it builds the documentation for json-c in an autopkgtest but json-c has moved it's Doxyfile into a different directory. Easy to fix once json-c has migrated.
