Wednesday 18 October 2023

Re: Merge ubuntu-motu@lists into ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists?

On Thu, Oct 19 2023 at 01:12:41 AM -03:00:00, Athos Ribeiro <> wrote:
On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 05:44:12PM -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:
I'd therefore like to propose we close this mailing list and forward the address on to, which at least has a larger subscriber base and is more likely to result in users getting help with their questions. Opinions?
+1 I´d go further and propose the same for the IRC channel - retire it and redirect people to #ubuntu-devel. Maybe that should be another discussion including the #ubuntu+1-maint (the discussions seem to happen in #ubuntu-release) and #ubuntu-next (-> #ubuntu-devel) channels too.
Athos Ribeiro

I'm 100% in agreement with Steve's proposal on the merge of ubuntu-motu@ to ubuntu-devel-discuss@.

With my IRC op team hat on: let's be careful about the IRC channels which are ultimately goverened by the IRC council (i.e. not a Canonical decision except for what the IRC council has delegated to certain devel teams). While I would be in favor of closing #ubuntu-motu and forwarding to #ubuntu-devel, #ubuntu-next is a support channel (not a devel channel) and the volunteer support in #ubuntu and #ubuntu-next would not be too keen to lose that one. But, again, that's a discussion to be had with the IRC council.

Erich Eickmeyer
Project Leader - Ubuntu Studio
Technical Lead - Edubuntu